Meet the Team

Owner | Consultant | Designer | Landscaper | Installer | Welder | Carpenter
I am a WELDER and FITTER with experience in the trade for over 10 years working in IRELAND, GERMANY and CANADA. I took a break from welding to meet my future wife in Finland (I know, our story is a bit confusing). After traveling Europe we settled in Ireland for a while, where I worked on a dairy farm taking care of the cows and maintaining the equipment. This change of lifestyle broadened my horizon and still influences me to this day. When I moved back to Canada I went back to my trade. I am extremely proud of my wife for pursuing her life's passion and I am excited to help and support her in any way possible. I love to build and create with both metal and wood. For the first four years of my career I worked for a fencing company, where I learned how to measure out, build, line up and install all types of fencing. I spent the next four years refining my stainless steel TIG welding skills in the water works sector. After working various jobs and going to school to learn culinary arts, I was then fortunate enough to meet my lovely wife and travel through Europe. The rest is history. I am the LANDSCAPER, INSTALLER and BUILDER here at My Nordic Garden. By building customized cedar raised beds, trellises, benches, gates and fences I can beautify your kitchen garden. I'd be very happy to show you all of these possibilities.

Co-owner | Consultant | Designer | Gardener | Garden Coach
I am a garden coach and designer who is growing an abundant kitchen garden in Eastern Ontario. I grew up surrounded by gardens. My family surely lay the seeds for my passion for nature and gardening. I studied biology and geography in Germany and worked as a teacher for three years. But that was not what I wanted to do. I quit, became a WWOOFer and worked as a gardener on two different farms in Germany and Ireland, where I learned so much by doing what I loved most. In 2020 I learned about GARDENARY, and the kitchen garden movement. All of a sudden my dream job had a name: garden consultant and I became a certified Gardenary Garden Consultant in 2021. The most important job as a garden consultant is, to take all the worries about how to start and maintain a kitchen garden off your shoulders. I am continuously extending my knowledge about general garden design and maintenance. Edible landscapes, food forests and pollinator gardens are a perfect addition to each kitchen garden and I find it important to combine all of those aspects into aesthetic and productive green oases.​ By sharing our own garden journey in the blog posts I hope to encourage you to  get your own project going. You can reach out to me at any stage of your garden development and I will support you and the individual needs of your garden.